What is Easier Math or English?


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What is Easier Math or English?

Everyone is different, and everyone thinks differently. It's all about what comes naturally to you, versus what comes naturally to somebody else.

 To you, English is easier than math because of the way your brain thinks. However, to others, the math may be easier than English.

Math or English? Which Is Easier to Learn?


A study by Oxford University found that reading a book is easier for people to learn English than doing exercises in class.

“Math is the language of science; the language of science is mathematics,” says Neil deGrasse Tyson.

What is English? 

English is a language—initially the language of the people of England. Today, English is the primary language of the United Kingdom, Ireland, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and more than fifty other countries. (Interestingly, until as recently as 2017 English was NOT the official language of the USA, although it had long been the official language of several US states.)

I am going to share 6 interesting facts about Maths and English:

Through these points, you will decide whether Maths is easier or English is

1. Math – It Can Be Easy (and fun!)

2. English – It Just Takes Practice

3. Math – Math Can Be Hard

4. English – Language Can Be Frustrating

5. Math – Math Can Be Confusing

6. English – Math Can Be Difficult

1. Math – It Can Be Easy (and fun!):

It is a common understanding that many people are not big fans of math. This anxiety begins at an early age, creating lasting feelings of frustration with the subject. In most cases, this is caused by a lack of understanding of the main concepts.

For those who enjoy the subject, math problems are exciting, and the thrill of finding solutions outweighs the challenges they face in the process. These students perform well in math and other related subjects compared to those who find it difficult

2. English – It Just Takes Practice:

How to improve your English - English is the main language used in the world. It helps to communicate and it’s very important to get good at it if you wish to work with people all over the world.

 There are several different strategies to learn English.1.Read – Read a lot of books written by native English speakers.

 It’s good to read stories, novels, poems, news, articles, etc. They will make you understand better about the English language.

2. Listen – Listen to music and podcasts in English. This will help you to develop your ear for understanding the spoken language.

3. Write – Write some of your sentences and phrases. Write an email to someone you know in English.

4. Speak – Talk to people in English. Speak to a native speaker.

5. Think – Think of a problem you need to solve and write about it in English. You may be surprised how well you understand.

6. Watch – Watch movies in English. This will help you to improve your listening ability.

7. Use – Use the words in English frequently. You can also use them in your writing and speaking.

8. Ask – Ask a native speaker questions about the English language. This will help you to improve your vocabulary.

9. Exercise – Exercise your brain. You can exercise using brain teasers or puzzles

3. Math – Math Can Be Hard:

Math isn’t as hard as you think, but it IS hard for kids who don’t like it. You could get one of those calculators, but most kids don’t like them very much. There’s not much that can be done to make math fun for kids who don’t like it.

 What CAN be done, however, is to make learning fun for kids by helping kids to see how their knowledge and understanding of math can help them in other areas of life.

4. English – Language Can Be Frustrating:

Many people struggle with writing English. Even the most intelligent and skilled writers sometimes have trouble finding the perfect word or sentence. 

  1. It takes effort, practice, and patience to understand the rules of grammar.

  2.  It also can express yourself clearly and effectively. 

  3. Many students struggle with English

  4.  Some learn to speak English through adsorption, and they may end up speaking more informal English when writing.

  5.  If you have trouble with English, don't let it stop you from writing in English. 

  6. Here's some good news: you don't have to be perfect at English to write a great article or a great business letter. You only have to write enough so that your message is clear and understandable.

  7.  You don't have to worry about grammar or spelling, and you don't have to worry that your message will be mistaken or misunderstood. This article will give you some ideas and some practical advice on how to write in English effectively and confidently.

5. Math – Math Can Be Confusing:

  1. Math can be confusing!

  2.  I’m no math expert but when I have to add, subtract, multiply, or divide numbers,

  3.  it’s always a challenge for Math can be confusing.

  4.  Most of us learned the hard way. And for some reason, it doesn’t stop once we leave school. 

  5. We learn the basics in school, and then we never really do anything with it again.

  6.  In school, we had to sit through long and boring lessons that we didn’t care about.

  7.  We had to memorize facts and formulas until our brains were so fried, they couldn’t remember anything we learned anymore. So, why should you learn math?

6. English – Math Can Be Difficult:

Math isn’t difficult, but a lot of people get nervous around it. Math doesn’t need to be difficult, however. If you use the right strategy, you can make math fun.

Here are six ways to learn and enjoy math:

1. Create a good study schedule

2. Work on one problem at a time

3. Ask for help, especially if you are struggling

4. Take practice tests

5. Take quizzes

6. Don’t worry about getting every answer right. Focus on the process, not the result


English is harder than mathematics because you can easily fool yourself into believing you know something when in fact you only know some of the words and phrases that are being used. 

You can always use the internet to research answers to basic questions. What is easier math or English? I say it’s English.

 There are a lot of “math” problems that are really “English” problems. It all boils down to terms. In the end, I think everyone can agree that writing is harder than math.


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