What is the role of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

How Ministry - What is the role of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The Edsa Dos (also known as the Second Edsa Revolution or the Edsa People Power II) was a political event that occurred in the Philippines in 2001. In response to President Estrada's corruption accusations, there were widespread protests calling for his resignation.

In this post, I will discuss the vital role that ICT played during Second EDSA Revolution.

The role of ICT during the Edsa Dos may be the subject of debate and interpretation. However, some potential ways in which ICT may have played a role include the following:

Spreading information:

ICT, particularly the Internet and social media, may have been used to spread information about the protests and the political situation in the Philippines. This could have helped to mobilize support for the protests and bring attention to the issues at hand.

Facilitating communication:

ICT may have been used to facilitate communication among protesters and organizers, mainly through the use of social media platforms. It could have allowed for more efficient coordination of the protests and helped to maintain momentum.

Documenting events:

ICT, particularly the use of cameras and video recording devices, may have been used to document the protests and events during the Edsa Dos. It could have helped to provide evidence of the events and bring attention to the issues.

Overall, the role of ICT during the Edsa Dos may have varied, and it is vital to consider the potential biases and limitations of different sources of information. However, ICT played at least some role in facilitating communication, spreading information, and documenting events during this important political event.


During the Edsa Dos (also known as the Second Edsa Revolution or the Edsa People Power II) in the Philippines in 2001, ICT may have played a role in spreading information about the protests, facilitating communication among protesters and organizers, and documenting events. However, the exact role of ICT during this event may be the subject of debate and interpretation.

Frequently Asked Questions:

How did ICT help during the revolution?

ICT played a huge role in the revolution. People used ICT to send messages, share ideas, and organize protests. Also, ICT helped the government to communicate with the public.

What was the biggest challenge during the Edsa Dos?

The biggest challenge was the limited availability of ICT equipment. When the revolution started, there was only one radio station and one television station. Therefore, the government needed to use its limited resources to communicate with the people.

What was the biggest contribution of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The biggest contribution of ICT was that it helped the government keep the people informed about what was going on. It also helped the people communicate with each other and with the government.

What is the role of ICT during EDSA III?

ICT plays an important role during the EDSA III. During the revolution, the government used ICT to communicate with the people. As the president prepares for the election, the government must use ICT to communicate with the people.

What is the primary function of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The primary function of ICT during the Edsa Dos is to provide support to the National Disaster Management System.

What are the activities of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The activities of ICT during the Edsa Dos are to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the status of the disaster response system, to identify and prioritize the needs for equipment, personnel, and facilities, and to provide assistance to the government in the planning and execution of the Edsa Dos.

What are the benefits of ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The benefits of ICT during the Edsa Dos are that it will allow the government to effectively manage the crisis and to ensure that the country's critical information technology systems remain available.

What are the requirements for ICT during the Edsa Dos?

The requirements for ICT during the Edsa Dos are that all agencies must have a functional ICT system and that the ICT system should be able to access the Internet.

What is the role of the Internet during the Edsa Dos? 

The role of the Internet during the Edsa Dos is to allow the public to access the national disaster management system.


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