How can I teach advanced English?

howministryHow can I teach advanced English? 

How Can I Teach Advanced English?

Why learn advanced English when you can go abroad and experience it firsthand? It’s easier than you think. There are plenty of affordable international programs in English. Just check out these 7 places to study abroad in English.

In today's world, being able to communicate fluently in multiple languages is a great asset to any business. 

Whether you're trying to communicate with colleagues around the globe or trying to close deals with clients abroad, having the ability to express yourself clearly in multiple languages can prove to be extremely valuable 

1. Create Your Own English Lessons

So if you want to learn English and use the language effectively in any setting, you should read up on the rules of grammar, pronunciation, and structure

. Start with the Oxford University Press (OUP) website and watch the videos on their site. Read through the explanations of each concept, and practice with exercises 

2. Teach English as a Foreign Language

So, what if you just don't know any English? According to a study by researchers at the University of Missouri–St. Louis, "foreign-language learners often have difficulty understanding and recalling information, especially when it is presented in a language they do not understand."

 But don't worry! There's hope for you and your students. By using teaching methods, foreign-language learners can develop the skills necessary to process and comprehend new information.

3. Teach ESL Online

ESL online classes are an excellent way to improve your English skills without having to deal with pesky students. ESL online lessons are taught through an interactive medium such as a computer or phone, and they can be customized to fit any schedule. 

With classes ranging from 20 minutes to several hours, you can fit your class around your busy schedule, allowing you to study whenever it suits you. 

4. Teach English Through Literature

Teaching English through literature is a way to teach English by using books as the vehicle for learning. One of the most famous writers of this method is James Joyce. He used a literary device known as “The Wake”.

This is a book where the author uses a method called dream analysis. The book is set up in such a way that the main character, Stephen Daedalus, dreams about waking up and realizing that he has been dreaming the entire time.

The characters in the dream become the symbols for the things that Stephen is trying to communicate in the story.

This helps people who don’t know English to read the text. Joyce’s novel is about a boy named Stephen Dedalus who feels like he is trapped in a

5. Teach English Through Humor

Teaching English through humor is not a new concept. But I’d never heard of someone actually trying to teach English through humor until I read this article.

The author teaches his students English through comic books. The teacher and his students read comics together and use them as a form of communication. To give you an example, here are some comics that can be used to convey a simple message:

1) A duck and a rabbit sit down at a restaurant. The duck says, "What do you want for breakfast?" The rabbit answers, "Eggs." The duck asks, "What do you mean eggs?" And the rabbit replies, "It's eggs!"

6. Teach English Through Music

Teaching English through music has been around since the beginning of time. If you were to travel back to the time when music was first invented, you’d likely see people playing instruments, singing songs, and having dances. When we were in primary school, our teacher would play songs from different countries as a lesson.

This was to help us understand different cultures and what made them tick. Our teacher would choose songs from places like India, China, Japan, and the United States. By learning these songs, we learned about the culture of those countries.

 Final Thoughts

Teaching advanced English is hard, but with the right attitude, you can succeed. Here’s why. Learning to teach English has benefits beyond your personal development.

 It helps you improve your skills in the language you speak at home and can help you land a better job or advance within your career. If you’re thinking about becoming a teacher, here are 10 reasons why teaching English might be a good idea.

Teaching English to a group of students who have studied at an advanced level is more challenging than teaching beginners. 

While teaching English to a beginner usually requires you to provide them with a lot of guidance, teaching English to a group of advanced learners requires you to rely on your teaching experience. 

There are several steps you can take to ensure your success when teaching advanced learners. First, find out about the different levels of English, the advantages and disadvantages of each level, and what it takes to become good at the levels. 

Second, understand what is required of a teacher and the specific traits he or she should possess. Finally, use these insights to adapt your teaching style and approach for each level of the learner.

 Frequently Asked Questions

What should I teach in an advanced English class?

  • Pronunciation/Accent Reduction.

  • Writing and Composition Skills.

  • Grammar, Editing, and Proofreading. 

  • Reading, Inferences, and Academic Vocabulary.

  • Academic Listening and Notetaking

  • Study of Idiomatic Language

  • Fine Tuning of Cultural Understanding.

  • History of their New Nation.

How do you teach advanced speaking?

  1. Class Debate. Class debates are an ideal way to get your advanced students talking, especially because there are several opportunities for speaking practice in one activity.

  2. Film a News Show or Skit.

  3. Murder Mystery Party.

  4. Improv Games.

  5. Record an Interview.

How do you teach an advanced class?

Know Your Content.

  1. Recognize the Student Pressures.

  2. Know the Pressures You'll Face, Too.

  3. Consistently Provide Feedback and Ask Questions.

Is Advanced English difficult?

There is no doubt that English Advanced scales better than English Standard - Advanced is harder than Standard and the scaling system is literally designed to reward that. 


However, you shouldn't pick a subject based on how it scales! You will always do better in the subject that you enjoy the most and/or are good at.

How hard is English advanced?

Yes, English Advanced is hard. Yes, English Advanced is time-consuming. But it provides a substantial boost to your final mark to reflect the investment in time 

What are the four skills of teaching English?

For the teaching of English to be successful, the four skills, reading, listening, speaking, and writing should be integrated effectively. 

Why are adults hard to teach?

As we age, our brains become less plastic and we are more fixed in what we believe and know. That is a direct struggle for learners who are trying to take on new concepts, forge new pathways, and more. 

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