How can I teach maths in English?


howministryHow can I teach maths in English?

How Can I Teach Maths in English?

  •  Mathematics is a great subject. I think it's the most logical and orderly way to learn.

  • Mathematics is one of the hardest subjects in schools.

  •  But this year, Cambridge University is launching the Maths Challenge—a free online competition that challenges students aged 11 to 16 years old to prove their maths skills by solving a series of challenging puzzles.

  •  Mathematics is a great subject. I think it's the most logical and orderly way to learn.

 8 Main Steps That How Can you Teach Math In English

1. How to teach maths using English words

  • 1. How to teach maths using English words – 

  • The English language is rich in vocabulary. 

  • It doesn’t just have words to describe numbers, but words to describe quantities and proportions, fractions, percentages, measurements and ratios, and decimal points.

  •  All of these concepts are important when learning mathematics.

  •  We’ll use English to help students learn the fundamentals of mathematics, then apply them in real life, and finally integrate them into higher-level thinking and problem-solving.


2. How to make maths easy to understand

  • So, what do we mean by this? When trying to understand a concept, we’re trying to solve a problem. 

  • Math is one of those concepts that we can’t easily explain in words alone.

  •  It’s just too abstract. 

  • To solve our problem, we must translate the problem into a mathematical problem. 

  • Once we’ve translated our problem into a mathematical problem, we can use all the math we know to come up with a solution.

  •  There are many different ways to solve a mathematical problem; some require lots of calculations, while others require only a few simple calculations.


3. How to introduce maths in English

  • Math is everywhere, but we still struggle to understand it and use it. 

  • You can start with easy questions, such as how many minutes in an hour, and then work your way up to tougher ones.

  •  We often don't see ourselves as having maths skills, but most of us know how to work basic maths problems and can do a little bit more - just by using our intuition.


  • When I think of the word ‘math’ in English, I automatically think of maths.

  •  It’s been a long time since I learned English as a second language, but I’m sure it is similar to any other foreign language in the sense that English speaker can make up their own words for the same concept or object

  • . They call a cup “a coffee table” or a pen “a ballpoint”. 

  • But what if I want to talk about the number of cups on a coffee table?

  •  In the English language, there is no specific word for the number of cups on a coffee table.

  •  That would mean that you have to call the coffee table a “coffee table”


howministryHow can I teach maths in English?

4. How to teach algebra

If you don't know how to do something, you need to get the skills to do it. Algebra is a useful skill to master. Once you understand the basics of algebra, you can apply the same principles to anything else in life.

 Learn the math behind every kind of business transaction, whether it’s for a small startup or a large corporation. Whether you're looking for a career in tech, accounting, law, or the medical field, there's a strong chance that algebra skills will be valuable in your future.


5. How to teach geometry

Geometry is one of those subjects that’s pretty much taken for granted in today’s education system. Many of us learned the basics and had a solid foundation for what theorems and proofs were about, but few people went beyond that. 

With a little bit of practice, you can become a teacher of geometry to help your students understand how math relates to the world around them.


6. How to teach trigonometry

A key element of the Trigonometry lesson is the concept of the circle. For students to understand what a circle is, it is helpful to have them draw a simple circle on a piece of paper. 

They need to have a basic understanding of what a circle is to understand how the equation works. 

Next, they need to understand that a trigonometric equation is an expression of the relationship between two variables. By using the example of the circle, students can see how a circle fits into the equation.


7. How to teach calculus

In the early days of calculus, a student of the subject had to memorize thousands of formulas. The only way to learn the subject was through practice. 

But a new trend emerged in the 1900s: teaching calculus using computers. The computer didn't require students to memorize the formula for every function that appeared on the page, instead, would give the answer and then allow the user to try again.


8. How to teach statistics

Statistics are everywhere and every business uses them. However, many people don’t understand what they are and how to properly use them. So you need to teach people how to use statistics. You can do this in two ways.

 The first way is to just teach them the basics and how to use them. The second is to teach them what they’re looking for and why they should care about using statistics.


In conclusion, English has no official language as no country speaks English as its national language. It is widely spoken in all parts of the world including the United States, Canada, and India. 

As you know, maths is a part of many subjects such as computer science, engineering, medicine, business and so on. This means that most students have been taught maths in school through the English medium. However, most students struggle with the basics of the language because it is a very difficult language. 

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Maths teachers can start to teach in English and teach English to the students. So, here are the steps to teach maths in English

  1. . Prepare an interactive lesson plan to teach maths in English.

  2. Start teaching by sharing a fun game or interesting problem. 

  3. Talk about maths in your own words. 

  4.  Use images and pictures to explain concepts.

  5. Practice by teaching the children some vocabulary related to maths

 Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 5 methods of teaching mathematics?


Teaching methods of mathematics include lecture, inductive, deductive, heuristic or discovery, analytic, synthetic, problem-solving, laboratory, and project methods. Teachers may adopt any method according to the specific unit of the syllabus, available resources, and the number of students in a class

What is the easy way to teach maths?

If you want to make teaching math fun and easy, try these three approaches.

  1. Use Modeling and Student Names. Using a student's name in a math problem is an effective way to keep your class engaged. ...

  2. Build Character through Competition. ...

  3. Entice Learners with Games.

What are the 8 ways of teaching mathematics?

  1. Use hands-on learning methods

  2. Incorporate visuals

  3. .Integrate math games into math lessons.

  4. Connect math concepts to everyday life.

  5. Allow students to explain their reasoning.

  6. Give frequent feedback and direction.

  7. .Reward progress.

  8. Personalize lessons.

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