How do I talk to non-native English speakers?


howministryHow do I talk to non-native English speakers?

How do I talk to non-native English speakers?

I want to show you how I can help you understand what non-native English speakers say so you can have more successful conversations with them.

 What about speaking to people who don’t speak English as their first language? Well, if you’re trying to understand what they are saying, you need to learn a little bit about the different ways people communicate in the English language.

When you first try to sell to a new market, don't expect to be able to sell like you can in the United States. That's why it's important to understand your customers' native language and culture.

 4 Main Steps To Talk To Non-Native English Speakers


1. Know your audience

Knowing who your ideal client is is key to crafting a message that resonates with them. It’s the foundation of your content marketing plan.

A good understanding of your buyer persona helps you identify the unique benefits your brand can offer your audience. This in turn informs your messaging, content, and calls to action.

A lack of clarity in understanding your buyer persona will lead to a lack of clarity and consistency in your brand’s voice and messaging.


2. Ask questions and listen to their answers

Don't get hung up on how to answer their questions. It's okay if you don't know. Sometimes asking them can be just as powerful as answering theirs.

 The key is to keep the conversation open and to allow the other person to give you as much information as he or she is comfortable giving.

 Then, when you ask questions, listen closely to the answers. Often you'll find that you've gotten the answer you wanted all along without even realizing it. This simple practice can be hugely beneficial, especially when you're working with a prospect who's got a lot invested in their decision. It gives you a little insight into the true nature of the relationship between you and your prospect.

3. Learn basic phrases and vocabulary

Another great tool for improving your written communication skills is a thesaurus. There are many different kinds of words that mean the same thing, but using the right words makes your writing sound smarter, easier to understand, and more persuasive.

 A thesaurus can help you replace words that are overused with new ones. If you feel like you don’t need to use every word in the dictionary, consider using a smaller thesaurus instead. And as you practice using the new words, you’ll become more familiar with their meanings and contexts.


howministryHow do I talk to non-native English speakers?

4. Practice writing in their language

Don’t assume that your target audience is speaking English. If you are trying to persuade someone to purchase something, you should take the time to read through their language to get a better understanding of what is being communicated to them.

 Many products and services come with an English description of what they are, but the actual language used by the company may differ in subtle ways from the English language. This is an example of how not only the words but also the tone of voice can vary between two different languages.


As we all know, the internet is a very visual medium. One of the most powerful ways to communicate with customers is through visuals, especially videos. However, when it comes to video, there is no one-size-fits-all approach.

 Every business has a unique personality, a unique set of products, and a unique way of communicating. A business that sells toys to children may have a very different message than a business selling cars to car enthusiasts.

you need to find a way to make your language accessible to your non-native English-speaking audience, and you need to do that as quickly as possible, or you risk losing their interest. 

Here are some quick tips for how to do that: Have your content written by someone else; hire a writer to work on it, and don’t worry too much about grammatical errors. The important thing is that your message is communicated. 

A big part of that is knowing how to communicate the message in a way that is simple and engaging. After all, the ultimate goal of your content is to convince them to do something. If it’s too difficult, it might just bore them and leave them feeling confused or frustrated.

 Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I chat with native English speakers?

HelloTalk connects you with native speakers to chat with for free. But this isn't your standard social app. The interface is packed with innovative tools to make it fun and effortless to learn a new language. 

You can chat with individual members, or join group chats for a collaborative learning experience.


How do I connect to native English speakers?

Top 13 Places to Find an English-Speaking Partner Online

  1. Verbling.

  2. The Fluent in 3 Months Forum.

  3. Wyzant.

  4. Conversation Exchange.

  5. Toastmasters.

  6. Go Speaky.

  7. Busuu.

  8. Lingoglobe.

When speaking English to a non-native speaker it is best to?

Use the 4 common language skills

Read aloud. Listen to an interactive podcast. Converse with language partners. Pen pal exchanges.


What words do native speakers use?

25 Trendy New Words in English That Native Speakers Use All the...

  • To Chillax.

  • Whatevs.

  • Freegan.

  • Hellacious.

  • Awesomesauce.

  • Cringe.

  • Stan / To Stan.

  • Sober-curious.

What is the hardest language to learn for non-native speakers?

The Japanese language is universally considered one of the hardest languages to learn. 

So, Enjoy your language journey, and don't forget to continue learning. Dutch, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, Romanian, Japanese, Arabic, and Mandarin


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