How does ICT help you cope with the challenges in the new normal type of learning?


How Ministry - How does ICT help you cope with the challenges in the new normal type of learning?

ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) has become an integral part of our lives, and we have a lot to thank for that. It has made education more accessible, improved communication, allowed us to access information in a way never before possible, and much more. 

The world has changed. We’ve been forced to adapt to a new normal where the speed of change is faster than ever. And as our world becomes more interconnected, so do the challenges we face.

Whether it’s a crisis in the news or a personal challenge at home, we have to find ways to adapt and overcome. Learning to cope with this new normal is essential for anyone who wants to thrive in today’s world.

In this post, I will explain how with the help of ICT how you can cope with the challenges in the new normal type of learning.

Information and communication technology (ICT) can help students, educators, and institutions cope with the challenges of learning in the "new normal" in several ways:


ICT tools and platforms can allow for more flexibility regarding where and when students can access their course materials and complete their assignments. It can be especially useful for students who may have other responsibilities or commitments or who may not have a stable or reliable internet connection.


ICT tools such as video conferencing, online discussion forums, and collaborative document editing can help facilitate teamwork and collaboration among students and educators, even when they are not in the exact physical location. It can be particularly important for maintaining social connections and community during isolation or social distancing.

Access to resources: 

ICT can provide students with access to various educational resources, including online lectures, readings, and interactive learning materials. It can help ensure that students have the resources they need to succeed, even if they cannot physically attend class or access certain resources in person.

Assessment and feedback: 

ICT tools can help educators provide timely and effective feedback to students on their assignments and progress. It can include online grading systems, video feedback, and interactive feedback tools.

Personalized learning: 

ICT can also support personalized learning by providing students with personalized recommendations and learning paths based on their interests, learning style, and progress. It can help students stay engaged and motivated and support their learning goals.

Improved communication: 

ICT can help improve communication between students, educators, and institutions, enabling them to easily share information, ask questions, and collaborate on projects. It can help ensure everyone is on the same page and can help facilitate a more cohesive learning environment.

Efficiency and productivity: 

ICT tools can help streamline and automate various tasks and processes, such as assignment submissions, grading, and tracking progress. It can help save time and effort for both students and educators and can also help improve the overall efficiency and productivity of the learning process.

Inclusion and accessibility: 

ICT can also support inclusion and accessibility by providing students with disabilities or other learning needs access to alternative learning materials and technologies to help them participate in the learning process. It can include text-to-speech tools, closed captioning, and other assistive technologies.


ICT has become an integral part of our daily lives. We use it to communicate, read, watch TV, listen to music, and play games. However, technology is also changing the way we learn. 

You can use technology to make learning more efficient and effective. The key to making the most of technology in education is to use it to support, rather than replace, traditional learning methods.

Technology can help you learn more effectively, but it won’t replace the need for learning.

Frequently Asked Question:

What is the most important thing that ICT can do for me?

ICT can help you learn at any time, day or night.

How can ICT help me in the new normal?

ICT can help you learn differently than you learned in the past. For example, you can use your ICT tools to study for tests, write papers, and complete projects.

How does ICT help me cope with the new normal's challenges?

ICT can help you cope with the challenges in the new normal by helping you succeed in school.

What is the best thing about using ICT?

The best thing about using ICT is that you can learn anytime, day or night.

What is the worst thing about using ICT?

The worst thing about using ICT is that you can learn anytime, day or night.

 What are the biggest challenges of the new normal learning?

The biggest challenge of the new normal learning is staying organized and on task. You must be prepared for an entire day of instruction in a traditional classroom. With the new normal learning, you can be in one place and still get work done.

How do I prepare for the new normal learning?

To prepare for the new normal learning, setting up a workspace that will allow you to be organized is important.

How do I stay on task?

One way to stay on task is to set deadlines. It's important to set a time frame to know when you need to be done with your work.

How do you build a successful ICT?

It is important to keep the ICT small and to involve the entire school.

What does ICT look like in your school?

In my school, we have a curriculum team and an ICT.

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