How has the explosion of communication technology impacted the ways we listen?

How Ministry - How has the explosion of communication technology impacted the ways we listen?

According to a study conducted by Microsoft, the human attention span has decreased from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013, which is even shorter than the attention span of a goldfish.

This decline in our ability to focus has also adversely affected our social interactions. For example, it is common for people to be on their phones while in the company of others, which can lead to a lack of attentiveness and empathy in conversations.

A study from 2012 found that people who had conversations without the presence of mobile devices displayed higher levels of empathetic concern compared to those who had conversations while using mobile devices.

It mainly concerns college students, who are at a crucial stage in their development and should not let technology distract them from their personal growth.

The increasing use of laptops in classrooms has sparked a debate about how students should take notes, but this needs to address how technology affects students' interactions before they even enter the classroom.

According to another study, 62% of students use their phones, tablets, or computers while in the company of other students. The proliferation of digital distractions is causing us to lose the ability to truly listen and connect with others, leading to a sense of social isolation despite the supposed convenience of technology.

It is essential to evaluate how we use technology and consider whether it helps us connect with others or separates us from them. We should strive to put our phones down and pay attention to the world around us.

The art of listening can take many forms, including paying attention to others and being aware of our surroundings. For example, NYU Public Safety advises against using headphones while walking in the city because it can impair our ability to stay safe and react to our environment.

Focusing on the small screens in our hands, we neglect the world around us and miss out on valuable experiences and interactions.


The fact is that we are all constantly being bombarded by information, whether we want it or not. So finding a way to filter out the noise and find the information that is truly useful to you is essential.

We need to understand how to listen to create a good listener. In this post, I have explored how the explosion of communication technology has changed our listening. 

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the difference between listening and listening attentively?

Listening is active, and it's an action. It involves hearing what is being said and responding to it. 

On the other hand, listening with attention is passive and requires that you be still and pay attention to what is being said.

What are some of the consequences of not listening?

Not listening can lead to misunderstandings, arguments, and hurt feelings.

What is the difference between active listening and passive listening?

Active listening involves taking an active role in the conversation and listening actively. Passive listening means that you are listening and paying attention but are not participating in the conversation.

How do we know when we have been listening attentively?

You will know that you are listening with attention when you understand what is being said. You may also notice that you are thinking about what is being said.

What are some of the positive effects of technology on listening?

Technology has made it easier for us to listen. We can listen to a message without having to be present. We can listen to a message while doing other things. For example, we can listen to a message in public places.

What are some of the adverse effects of technology on listening?

Technology has made it easier for us to listen. We can listen to a message without having to be present. 

We can listen to a message while doing other things. For example, we can listen to a message in public places. We can listen to messages in the car, at work, or at home.

What is the difference between listening and hearing?

Hearing is when you can hear something. Listening is when you can understand what someone is saying.

How can we make sure we listen to the right people?

We can make sure we listen to the right people by asking questions. Questions can help us understand the other person better.

What are the different types of listening devices?

There are two main types of listening devices: passive and active. 

Passive listening devices are used when you are expecting to hear something. For example, a baby monitor is a passive listening device because it will alert you when the baby cries.

What are the different types of active listening devices?

Active listening devices are used when you are not expecting to hear something. For example, a police officer might be using an active listening device when they are on the lookout for a suspect.

What are some of the best ways to use listening devices?

There are many different ways to use listening devices, but here are some suggestions: 

  • Use a speakerphone so that people can hear what you are saying. 
  • Use a recording device so that you can play it back later. 
  • Record meetings or lectures so that you can study them later.

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