How Many People Do Not Speak English?

howministryHow Many People Do Not Speak English?

How Many People Do Not Speak English?

There are 1.3 billion people who do not speak English. You may not have thought about this before but it’s true. If you are wondering how many of your potential customers do not speak English, you should be aware of it. 

The global economy has become increasingly dependent on being able to communicate and interact with people from different cultural backgrounds.

 It is imperative for you to have a good understanding of the English language and how it functions for you to succeed in international markets.

 If you think that your products or services are not targeted toward English speakers, then it is a good idea for you to consider doing a translation before you launch your product or service. This is a very important part of any company’s marketing strategy.

4 Main Steps That How Many People Do not Speak English


1. How Many People Do Not Speak English?

With an estimated 865 million native speakers of English and an even greater number of English-language speakers around the world, English is the world's most widely spoken language. 

However, approximately 667 million people worldwide don't speak English as a first language. That means that about half of the world's population is unable to understand and/or read English. So why should you care?

 According to the US Census Bureau, around 9 million people speak English as a second language. It is estimated that as many as 50% of all Internet users in the U.S. have some degree of difficulty communicating online due to language barriers.

 So, if you're writing for a global audience, you should have a basic understanding of how to effectively communicate with people who aren't native speakers.


2. What is the Definition of Literacy?

Literacy is the ability to read and write. The definition is pretty straightforward, and it's the foundation of all learning. This is one of those skills that people often take for granted because we're used to being able to read and write.

 It’s important to note, however, that people who are not literate may have no problem with reading and writing, but simply cannot comprehend what they read. They may be able to understand a spoken language but not its written form.


howministryHow Many People Do Not Speak English?

3. What Does it Mean to Be Well Educated?

An essential part of being well-educated is being able to read critically, which means that you can discern what is useful, credible, and true from what is not. This doesn’t mean you have to be a trained academic to be well educated—though if you are, more power to you—but it does mean that you have to be able to distinguish between the two.

 If you're struggling with this, don't feel bad. As they say, the best way to learn is to teach. So, pick up a book and start teaching yourself.


Well-educated people tend to have higher salaries and more self-confidence and are less likely to experience unemployment and earn more money over their lifetimes, according to research by Gallup. They also are better at negotiating.

 On the flip side, poorly educated people tend to be less financially stable, more likely to suffer from financial problems, and experience discrimination in hiring and promotion, said Richard O'Brien, Gallup's managing director for the Institute for Quality and Productivity in Workplaces.

4. Is There Anything Good About Speaking Other Languages?

The answer is yes. I speak three languages. German, French, and Spanish. I started out learning German because it is my first language.

 But as my skill level improved, I found that I started to enjoy learning French and Spanish as well. And, while the languages are very different from each other, they are both fun to learn and speak. Why? Because they require different brain processes.

 Learning a foreign language is difficult because you have to think about different ways of speaking words. This takes a lot of brain power. So, to help improve my fluency, I read a lot of books written in those languages. Also, listening to them on podcasts or watching them on TV helps me to understand their sounds better.


5. How Can Universities Work Together to Improve Language Education?

This is an interesting example of how universities can work together to improve language education in the classroom. This post provides the background for this idea. It explains why it's important that students learn a second language at university, especially if it's a language they're likely to use in the future. It then suggests how the two could work together.


One of the most frustrating things about being a student in language learning today is the fact that many of the resources for learning a language are extremely expensive. If you are interested in learning a new language for business reasons (not a hobby), you might find it hard to afford a full-time language teacher who is willing to teach you at your own pace. So, how can universities help here?


when you’re trying to sell to someone who speaks another language, there are several things that you need to keep in mind to ensure your success. You should find a translator or at least someone who understands your message.

 If you’re working on a big project, you need to work with a team of translators so that you can all communicate effectively. Finally, you need to translate the content of your page so that the person visiting your site can see the value proposition that you’re offering. In addition, you’ll want to make sure that you’re following certain guidelines to make sure that the translation is accurate.


According to this study, the most important factor for the number of people who speak English as a second language (ESL) in the United States is the amount of time spent in school. ESL speakers make up 6% of the U.S. population, and they spend more time in school than their native English-speaking peers. 

That said, in terms of earning power, these speakers fare worse. They earn less money, have fewer skills, and have higher unemployment rates. However, it’s not all bad news. According to this study, the U.S. economy would suffer more than $300 billion in lost revenue by having no ESL speakers in the workforce.


Frequently Asked Questions

What percentage of the world does not speak English?

Only about 6% of the world's population are native English speakers, and 75% of people don't speak English at all.

 Many people do not have access to high-quality health information, because it is not available in a language that they understand

Is English speaking rarely?

English is the world's most widely spoken language but is unusual in the fact that the vast majority of speakers are not 'native'. 

Of the approximately 1.5 billion people who speak English, less than 400 million use it as a first language. That means over 1 billion speak it as a secondary language

Who speaks the least English?

The country with the lowest English proficiency is Libya, followed by Kyrgyzstan, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Ivory Coast, and Uzbekistan.

What is the hardest language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese

Across multiple sources, Mandarin Chinese is the number one language listed as the most challenging to learn. The Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center puts Mandarin in Category IV, which is the list of the most difficult languages to learn for English speakers

Is English the richest language?

While English, French, and Russian languages have around 500,000 words, 150,000 words, and 130,000 words in their vocabulary respectively, the Arabic language has 12,3 million words on its own, making it the richest language in vocabulary, by far.


Why does English speak so slowly?

There are several reasons why English is spoken relatively slowly. Firstly, English has 20 vowel sounds. This means that the mouth has to be in 20 different positions to make all those noises. That requires agility and takes time.



What is the oldest language in the world?

1. Egyptian – 2690 BC (circa. 4700 years old)

  • The first known language ever was a proto-language on the African continent, and the first known proto-writing system was created in Nigeria.

  • So, it is perhaps no surprise that the oldest language on this list is also from and used in Africa – Egyptian.


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