How many people speak English in Warsaw?


howministryHow many people speak English in Warsaw?

How Many People Speak English in Warsaw?

  • Warsaw is the capital and largest city of Poland. 

  • It’s also the country’s political, economic, and cultural center

  • With almost 3.5 million residents, it’s a major European city and the country’s capital. 

  • As such, it has a large foreign population. 

  • While most Polish people speak Polish, there are also significant communities of speakers of other languages. 

  • The vast majority of the population speaks 

  • Polish, but other languages are commonly spoken as well.

  •  English is by far the most widely spoken language and is the official language of the country. 

  • Other languages include Russian, German, Ukrainian, and other Slavic languages. The largest groups of speakers of these languages are the Polish minorities living outside the country, but the largest groups of native speakers of these languages are the Poles living in Poland.

  • The only language that is not natively spoken by a majority of the population of Warsaw is Yiddish.

  •  This means that most people are bilingual, speaking both Polish and at

Many Poles have migrated to Western Europe in search of better opportunities for work, education, and self-development.

But there is an increasing number of them who come back to Poland, often as entrepreneurs and small business owners. They are bringing their own language and culture with them.

This year, the Warsaw Philharmonic Orchestra will perform a world premiere of a new composition written by renowned Polish composer Krzysztof Penderecki.

But, how many of the audience members know the name?

It’s difficult to give precise figures on how many people in Warsaw speak English.

It seems to fluctuate between 70 000 and 100 000, depending on the time of the year.

1. What is the total number of speakers of each language in Warsaw?

The total number of speakers of each language in Warsaw is approximately 7 million people, of which about 5.7 million are native Polish speakers, 0.4 million are native speakers of other Slavic languages, and 0.3 million are non-Slavic speakers.

The city of Warsaw, which has a population of 2 million, is the capital of Poland and its largest city. As of the end of 2016, there are 2,988,943 people living in the city (including 4,922 foreign nationals).

 The city covers an area of 10.3 square kilometers. With a large urban population of almost 2.5 million, Warsaw is considered the second-most densely populated city in the European Union. Warsaw is officially bilingual, with Polish being the official language and Russian being spoken in certain areas. 

The Russian population, which consists mostly of Russians living in the city, has been increasing in recent years, making up over 8% of Warsaw’s total population. 

2. Who are the majority of the native speakers of each language?

Many people argue that the world is becoming a global village, with everyone speaking English. This is a trend that started in the 1960s with the advent of the English language. However, many languages have been around for thousands of years, and some are still spoken across the globe.

3. What are the percentages of speakers of each language in Warsaw?

"How many speakers of each language in Warsaw?" is a common question asked by students and tourists in Poland. The answer is that there are approximately 3,000 people speaking Polish in Warsaw, and approximately 6,000 people speaking English. 

The three languages spoken in Warsaw are Polish, English, and Russian. There are 472,837 native speakers of Polish in Warsaw, 7,000 speakers of English, and 15,000 speakers of Russian. So if you want to go and explore Poland, you'll definitely need to learn a little bit of Polish.

Final Words

The number of people speaking English in Warsaw has decreased dramatically in recent years. There are still many English speakers here and I believe it’s safe to assume that at least 10% of the population speaks English fluently.

 However, the level of English proficiency in Warsaw varies a lot. Some people who live here speak English very well and can easily communicate with native speakers while others barely know a single word of the language. This article discusses some of the main reasons why this might happen.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Is English widely spoken in Warsaw?

Yes! People speak English in Poland! While traveling on a private tour to Poland with Key To Poland, you don't need to worry about communication issues.

 There may be occasional instances you may wish to speak with someone who doesn't understand English and we are happy to assist!

What percentage of Warsaw speaks English?

Foreign languages

However, other surveys show that over 50% of Poles can speak English. Another study shows that 89% of Polish students are learning and/or can speak English.

Do people in Poland speak good English?

As it turns out, Polish people rank among the best non-native speakers of English in the world. How well do Polish people speak English? While it is true that the older generations may have trouble communicating in English 

How many people speak English in Warsaw?

But it is the second most common language learned and spoken in Poland. In fact, almost 35% - 40% of Polish people speak English.


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