How to speak proper English?

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How to Speak Proper English?

  • I have never met a person who does not know how to speak proper English. But most people, including teachers and students, do not know how to do it properly.

  • They tend to use the wrong words, say the wrong sentence, and put the wrong thoughts into the wrong sentences

  • . In this short article, I will talk about how to speak English correctly.

  • I am sure you have noticed a certain type of people who always tend to use correct English when they speak or write. 

  • I am talking about grammar checker lovers, who always check the spelling of articles and documents on their computers.

  • Well, I am sure you must be wondering, why don’t they just speak or write properly? It’s because these people are not using right English.

  •  They just try to copy someone else. So, here is the rule of thumb, if you want to speak or write properly,

  • you have to read other people’s writing and imitate them.

  •  And you will see that you are speaking or writing correctly. 

6 Points About How To Speak Proper English

1. Learn the Language

The English language is the most popular spoken language on earth. No other language has as many speakers as English does. It's also the most widely taught foreign language in the world. With over 100 million native speakers, the English language is the global lingua franca.

It's used in over 500 languages. There is almost no profession in the world today where English is not used. The English language is essential for business and communication. 

English is the most common language spoken all over the world. And it is the language used to express thoughts and ideas in writing. Learning a language is not easy but learning the language will help you in your career.

2. Understand the Rules

Most of us know that there’s a difference between ‘a and ‘an and between ‘is’ and ‘are’ (and ‘to’ and ‘too’). But when it comes to understanding the rules of English grammar, most of us don’t realize that. 

So let’s dive into the finer points of these grammatical rules and how you can apply them to your writing.

3. Study Grammar

Grammar mistakes can turn a perfectly acceptable sentence into one that is difficult to understand. This is especially true if you have to read someone else's writing over and over again to find out what they meant. Here are some of the common mistakes:

  • - A comma splice occurs when a word, phrase, or sentence is interrupted with a comma.

  • - An improper use of quotation marks is when quotation marks are used incorrectly, resulting in a sentence that sounds like it belongs in another context.

  • - A run-on sentence is a sentence that contains repeated sentences, words, or phrases.

  • - The passive voice uses the verb "to be" and is active when the subject is acting. It's passive when the subject is being acted

4. Practice Proper Pronunciation

It might sound obvious, but having the right pronunciation can go a long way toward making you and your brand stand out. When people think of a “brand,” they think of a company. 

The best brands have a recognizable personality and a brand voice that resonates with people. Whether it’s a clothing line, a beverage, or a software developer, there is something that makes a brand memorable, unique, and distinctive from the rest.

5. Learn to Spell and Punctuate

Whether you're working on a website, book, or just a plain old document, if you want to communicate well to the reader you need to be able to spell and punctuate correctly.

In an era of social media where spelling and grammar mistakes are easy to spot and mock, it’s worth taking a second to focus on the basics.

 Most people don’t take the time to proofread or edit their work until it’s too late—and that’s a problem because even a few errors can send the wrong message to your audience.

6. Be Fluent

Even if you don’t know how to speak English fluently, you can still convey what you want to say to others in a variety of ways. While speaking is often the first mode of communication, there are many other options.

 In the world of the web, you can use a variety of tools to help you craft an appropriate message, such as a chat window or even a simple note.

Final Words 

it’s important to focus on grammar, punctuation, and spelling. There’s no point in speaking well if it doesn’t sound good to other people. It can be tempting to focus on how fast you can speak or how many words you can use, but your goal should always be to sound good. 

This is why it’s so important to make sure you use correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling. It’s all too easy to slip into slang or informal speech, which can make you sound like a fish out of water. Don’t let this happen to you! Make sure that you are aware of the rules of language. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How to speak English better in 10 easy steps

  1. Imitate away.

  2. Avoid learning word by word.

  3. Use what you've learned immediately.

  4. Be an actor

  5. Listen to others as much as you speak

  6. Listen to yourself and get feedback from native speakers

  7. Become visual.

  8. Narrate your life

how to speak a proper english accent?

Here are six top tips for you to practice and perfect your pronunciation.

  1. 1 - Listen! Listening to examples of authentic speech is the most obvious way to improve your own pronunciation

  2. Record yourself

  3. Get to know the phonemic chart. 

  4. Use a dictionary.

  5. Do some exercise!

  6. Get to know your minimal pairs.


how to be fluent in english fast?

7 tips on speaking English fluently and confidently

  1. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Your goal is to deliver a message, not speak perfect English, with the right grammar and vocabulary.

  2. Practice, practice, practice. Practice makes perfect

  3. Listen.

  4. Celebrate success.


how to speak proper english app?

13 Most Effective English-Speaking Apps in 2022

  1. ELSA.

  2. FluentU.

  3. iTranslate Converse.

  4. TalkEnglish.

  5. Accent Training.

  6. HelloTalk.

  7. SpeakingPal.

  8. Speak English Fluently.

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