How to teach writing to English language learners?

How to teach writing to English language learners?

The question of teaching writing to English language learners (ELLs) has been discussed many times in the past, and many articles have been written about the topic.

There is no doubt that writing is one of the essential skills that every learner must have.

In addition, if we consider the importance of English as a global language, it is necessary to teach writing to ELLs.

Although writing is a skill that is very important for everyone, teaching writing is different from teaching a specific subject to ELLs.

The main reason is that writing is the ability to express oneself, and this ability is an essential part of communication.

Here are some tips to help you teach writing to ELLs.


Before starting to teach writing, you need to plan your lessons.

First, you should decide what kind of lesson you will teach, how much time you will spend teaching each topic, and what topics you will discuss.


You should always prepare the materials you will use to teach writing to the ELLs.

Before starting to teach writing, you should choose suitable materials that will be easy for the ELLs to understand.

Make the lesson enjoyable.

It would help if you made the lesson interesting for the ELLs.

For example, if you have a lesson about writing a letter, show the ELLs a sample letter and talk about it.

Teach them

You should teach the ELLs the concepts of writing.

In addition, it would help if you taught them how to use the tools that will help them to express themselves more clearly.


After teaching the ELLs, you should assess their knowledge.

You should also check whether they have learned the skills you taught them.


After teaching the ELLs, you should repeat the lessons for a few days.

Then, again, you should make the lessons exciting and assess the ELLs knowledge of the skills you have taught them.

Here are the most common mistakes that you should avoid when you are writing:

Using too many words

Avoid using too many words when you are writing. It is better to use a few words than many that will not add any value to your work.

For example, instead of saying, "We went to the cinema," you can say, "We went to see the movie."

Repeating the same word

Use the word 'the' only once in your sentences. Repeating the same word is annoying, and you will sound too formal.

For example, instead of saying, "It was raining," you can say, "It was raining."

Using the wrong word

Avoid using the wrong word. Sometimes, you will come across the word 'of', and you need to know whether it is a or 'an '.

For example, instead of saying "Of all the students," you can say "All all the students."

Making the same mistake

Avoid repeating the same mistake. If you have made a mistake in your work, don't continue doing it.

For example, instead of saying, "The author said that…" you can say, "The author said that…."

Using the right tone.

It is essential to learn how to use the right tone when you are writing.

In addition, it would help if you learned how to use different types of tones in the sentences you are writing.

For example, you can use the 'past' tone when talking about something that has happened in the past.


You can use various teaching methods to teach writing to English language learners.

One of the best ways to teach writing to English language learners is to have them read texts and then have them explain them to you.

These are some of the most common mistakes that you need to avoid while you are writing.

So, try to avoid these mistakes and avoid repeating them.


How to teach English writing to beginners?

Start by teaching basic grammar rules like verbs and nouns.

Once you've taught them the basics, introduce them to sentence structure and composition.

Then show them how to use language effectively. Finally, teach them how to write clearly and concisely.

How do you teach learners to write?

Most people can read and write.

However, teaching someone to write means teaching them how to use the alphabet, numbers, and basic grammar.

What types of writing activities are appropriate for English language learners?

Writing activities help students practice English by giving them various opportunities to express their thoughts and ideas.

Many different types of writing activities can be used, including free writing, writing an essay, writing a letter, and writing a journal entry.

What are the seven steps to writing?

The seven steps to writing are

1. Write down the subject.

2. Write down the main point.

3. Develop the main point.

4. Write down the supporting details.

5. Write down the conclusion.

6. Write down the title.

7. Write it all down.

What are the five basic writing skills?

1. Spell check.

2. Grammar check.

3. Write daily.

4. Proof read.

5. Edit your work.

How to improve your writing skills?

Write about something you love, like family, friends, or hobbies.

You will feel much better when you write, and the quality of your writing will improve dramatically.

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