Is 14 a Good Return on Investment?


Howministry-Is 14 a Good Return on Investment?

How often have you heard that 14 is an excellent investment return age? As per the studies, education has better returns than other investments for the future.

But how many times have you heard that this is not true? So, what is the actual truth behind it?

Before getting into the details, let's discuss precisely what the word 'investment' means.


If you have any savings, then it is called an investment. It is the money that you are putting in for a more extended period.

So, if you are investing money for three years, then it is an investment.

Investments come in two types:

Fixed and variable.

  • Fixed investment:

It is called a fixed investment if you invest a fixed amount. So, for example, you can invest in a house, car, or anything else, and it will stay there for an extended period.

  • Variable investment:

If you are investing in a variable amount, then it is called a variable investment. So, in this case, it will vary according to the market. 

Likewise, you may invest in a house, car, or anything else, which will vary accordingly.

So, now you know the definition of 'investment.' Now let's talk about the age that you should start investing.

Start investing at a young age:

You should start investing as soon as you get your first salary.

Why is it important?

As you are earning money, you will be able to save it.

If you save for an extended period, you will get more interest in your money.

Saving is the best thing to help you earn more in the future.

So, as soon as you get your first salary, start saving.


Investing in education is a good decision. But the question arises of whether you should invest in education when you are 14 or 16. The answer is that it depends on you.

If you are saving money for the future and you want to make more money in the future, then it is better to invest in education at a young age.

But, if you are only thinking of having a promising career and it is not essential to make money in the future, then it is better to invest in education at an older age.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is 15% a good ROI?

Well, it depends on your definition of "good." While 15% is undoubtedly higher than 0%, that's not saying much.

Looking at your goals and expenses is the best way to determine whether your ROI is good.

If your goal is to generate $1,000 a month in revenue and you spend $500 per month on marketing, your ROI will be negative.

Can you get a 15% return in the stock market?

Yes, making 15% returns on the stock market is possible, but only if you invest wisely. The best way to invest money is to invest in stocks if you have a large amount. 

Otherwise, put your money into bonds or other fixed-income investments. 

Is 20% a good investment return?

Yes! With an average stock market return of 9.1%, 20% is still a good investment return. 

Of course, it's much better than the 1% you would get investing in a savings account, but it could be better than the 23.6% you would get from a bond. 

Where should I invest my 15 return?

It should go into a money market account if you plan on getting the best return. Money market accounts are the safest investment option since they pay a fixed interest rate. 

You can find this type of account at banks and credit unions. The next best place would be a savings account.

Where to invest safely in 2022?

The safest place to invest in 2022 is in a safe, stable company with a good track record. You can also consider investing in a gold mine, a silver mine, or a mining company. 

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