Past Tense of Agree

Past Tense of Agree
What is the Past Tense of Agree?

Every student on every test paper asks a fundamental question. A person has to write the past tense of the word 'agree.'

The answer is 'agree.' It isn't easy to guess what the correct answer will be.

The following is the complete definition of the word 'agreement' and how it is pronounced.


The Agreement is the condition of two or more persons or things agreeing to the same thing.


The students were in the classroom. They were listening to the teacher. At this time, they wanted to ask their teacher something.

So, they asked each other. Finally, all the students agreed with the question that they had asked.

Past Tense:

To form the past tense of the word 'agree,' add the prefix 'ago' or 'have' before the verb.


1. They agreed with me.

2. She has agreed to my request.

3. He agreed with my decision.

4. We have agreed to leave for the college at 6 o'clock.

5. He has promised to come at 6 o'clock.

How to Use the Past Tense of Agree

We often use the present tense in a conversation to make it look more appealing and convincing. But it only sometimes means that the speaker is sincere and trustworthy.

We use the past tense to give a feeling of respect and sincerity, which may make the listener distracted.

For example, a boy tries to impress a girl by saying, 'Let's take a walk in the park today. This sentence is written in the present tense. The boy is not interested in spending time with her but wants to show his authority.

The girl will be impressed by the boy's command. She will start to follow him without thinking twice. He is controlling her emotions with the present tense.

Using the past tense of agree is essential to give a good impression.

Here are some ways to use the past tense of agree:

1. When you agree with someone's opinion

2. When you agree with someone's action or a plan

3. When you agree with the decision of a person or an organization

4. When you accept the proposal of someone or something

5. When you agree to a request

6. When you agree to a suggestion of someone or something

7. When you accept someone's request

8. When you accept someone's idea

9. When you accept the opinion of someone or something

10. When you accept someone's plan

11. When you agree to someone's suggestion

12. When you agree to a request

13. When you agree to a suggestion of someone or something

14. When you accept someone's opinion

15. When you agree to a plan for someone or something

16. When you agree to a proposal from someone or something

17. When you accept someone's opinion

18. When you accept the suggestion of someone or something

19. When you accept the request of someone or something

20. When you accept the opinion of someone or something

How to Use the Past Tense of Agree

Agree is common in our lives. Sometimes we will agree with others and sometimes disagree with others. We use the past tense of agree when disagreeing with someone.

We often use the past tense of agree when conveying that we have agreed with the person.

The past tense of agree is used to convey that we have agreed with the person and to convey the same meaning that we have agreed with the person.

Agreeing is common in our lives. Sometimes we will agree with others and sometimes disagree with others. We use the past tense of agree when disagreeing with someone.

We often use the past tense of agree when conveying that we have agreed with the person.

The past tense of agree is used to convey that we have agreed with the person and to convey the same meaning that we have agreed with the person.

For example:-

- We are agreeing to the fact that this is the right color.

- He agreed to the fact that this is the right color.

- I agree with the fact that this is the right color.

- I have agreed to the fact that this is the right color.

- He has agreed to the fact that this is the right color.


In the above example, you can understand the meaning of the word 'agreement' and its past tense. 

You can use the past tense of agree to express Agreement in a passive voice.

In the passive voice, the subject is changed from the active verb to the subject of the passive verb.

This makes the passive voice more formal. The active voice is more informal.


Is agree past or present tense?

Past tense means something happened in the past, like "I agreed" or "he agreed."

Present tense means something is happening now, like "I am agreeing" or "she is agreeing."

What are past tense and past participle of agree?

The past tense form of the verb "to agree" is "agreed." The past participle form is "agreed."

What is the perfect tense of agree?

Agree is a verb that means "to understand or approve." Its perfect form is agreed upon.

Is it 100% agree or agreed?

"It is 100% agree" is incorrect. Instead, it should be "It is agreed."

Is Agreeance a word?

Yes! Agreeance is a word. It can also be spelled Agreement.

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