What Came First American or English Football?


howministryWhat Came First American or English Football?

What Came First American or English Football?

Football is the world’s most popular sport and is played all over the globe. While America leads the way with the professional game, England has its unique version of the sport.

 The answer is both. In 1835, an international game of football was first played at Rugby School. Two years later, an American version of the sport began in New York. 

Many people are under the impression that football originated in the United States, but the truth is that the game of soccer, as we know it today, was invented by two British men—William Webb Ellis and Dr. William G. Morgan.

 Introduction About Football

1. A sport in the 1700s was first called Football. It was played in England by a team called the “commoners.”

2. In 1815 the first college football game was played in New York between Rutgers and Princeton.

3. By 1870 there were more than 20 college football games, but none were called “football.”

4. The term “football” was coined by John Surratt who published his book about college football in 1870.

5. By 1890 all college football was called “American football.”

 Development In Football

1. Football in England

It’s a story we all know. In England, football is king. If you want to see a crowd erupt into cheers or tears, simply turn on a game. In the same way that the World Cup brings the world together, football brings 

England together, even if only for a few days. But there is more to football than the fans. For starters, the sport is a billion billion-dollar. The National Football League (NFL) is one of the top sports leagues in the world, bringing in an estimated $9.4 billion in revenue last year. The Premier League (the English version of Major League Soccer) pulls in £2.8 billion in revenue every year.

   Football in England isn’t like football in America. At least, that’s how the English people who follow the sport see it. But there are lots of American sports that have been adopted into the mainstream culture in England. Some of them are quite surprising.

 2. The Early Days of Football

Football was first played in England in the early 1400s. Though it didn't become popular until the 1700s and early 1800s, the basic principles of the game have remained unchanged throughout the years. At the beginning of the sport, players wore short leather armor that protected their bodies but couldn't stop an attack. 

There was no tackling. A tackle was considered to be murder. So to themselves, players would use their hands and feet to block and kick their opponent instead. They played without helmets, and in the 1700s, they played with bare hands. Because of these rules, players could get seriously injured.

Netball, according to some historians, was the ancient Greek game of ball and stick that became the game of soccer. In Italy, similar games evolved into the modern sport that is played today.

 One interesting fact about the history of football: the Roman Empire had a military training program called gladiatorial combats in which athletes fought for spectators’ entertainment. These early gladiator matches may be the reason why football was adopted by the British Royal Navy during the Napoleonic Wars.

howministryWhat Came First American or English Football?

3. The Founding of the Football Association

The first official football match was played on May 25, 1863. The game was between the Blackheath Club and Royal Engineers at Crystal Palace. The rules of football were agreed upon in 1858 by representatives from various British public schools. The FA Cup is the oldest existing competition in world football.

 It was founded in 1871. It was originally contested by the leading clubs in the country. Today, the competition is open to all teams in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. There is no fee to enter the competition. The FA Cup final is a major event in the English sporting calendar, attracting huge crowds and global TV audiences.

4. The First Football League

The first football league was founded in England in September 1863 and was called The Football Association (FA). It was started by a group of local clubs in London who wanted to set up football rules. 

The FA grew quickly in popularity and became a national sport, but didn't become a professional league until 1905.

5. The American Football Association

The American Football Association (AFA) uses the three principles above, namely: the need to sell, the belief in the value of the product, and the urgency. These three principles were developed by the American Football Association to make football more popular in the United States.

The AFA wanted to increase interest in playing American football but knew that most people didn't think it was worth the effort. They also knew that if the people believed it wasn't worth the effort, the AFA would never gain popularity. 

So, they came up with a plan to prove to people that American football was a valuable sport and that they should invest their time and energy. 

6. The Birth of the NFL

 The birth of the NFL happened because the founders of the National Football League (NFL) had a vision. They saw football as a way to promote America and the country’s ideals and values.

The founders of the NFL also saw the game as a way to educate the country on many things such as the importance of discipline, teamwork, leadership, and even the game of American football itself. The founders of the NFL also saw the opportunity to sell the sport of football to the country. 

The birth of the National Football League was the result of a dispute between two football teams that had been meeting on Thanksgiving Day. Before the dispute, the Thanksgiving Day game had always been played by the same team for the past 22 years. 

However, this year, the Chicago Staleys and the Buffalo All-Americans agreed to play on November 27th, rather than November 28th as usual. The league was formed on December 4, 1869, and the New York Athletic Club was given sole control over the league, and the following month it was officially announced.


The English adopted many of the rules of the original game (which originated in Persia), while the Americans modified some of those rules. This resulted in two distinctly different games. However, by the nineteenth century, both games were being played in England and America and both were commonly called “football.

” In the late nineteenth century, American football adopted rules and practices that resembled those of modern football. But as the nineteenth century progressed, the sport gradually evolved into something quite different. By the end of the century, football had become an entirely American game with a new set of rules. 

But despite the changes in rules, the core principles of football remained the same, and the game became even more popular. Football is one of the oldest sports in the world. Although there are conflicting stories about its origins, the earliest recorded forms of football date back thousands of years. Many scholars believe that ancient games of the Mesopotamian civilization, which developed around 6000 B.C., may have

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Did American football come from England?

Organized varieties of football began to take form in the 19th century in English public schools

. According to legend, William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran with it during a school football match in 1823, thus creating a new style of play in which running with the ball predominated instead of kicking.

  • which football was invented first?

Who invented football & when? Football as we know it today - sometimes known as association football or soccer - began in England, with the laying down of rules by the Football Association in 1863

  • was football invented by the english?

Football's modern origins began in England more than 100 years ago, in 1863.

  • did America invent football?

Closely related to two ancient English sports—rugby and soccer (or association football)—gridiron football originated at universities in North America, primarily the United States, in the late 19th century

  • what came first fútbol or football?

  • The word "soccer" comes from the use of the term "association football" in Britain, and goes back 200 years. In the early 1800s, a bunch of British universities took "football" — a medieval game — and started playing their own versions of it, all under different rules

  • which football came first?

The first was, as already mentioned, the English Football League which was established in 1888. The leagues would by time expand by more divisions, which were based on team performance. In 1908 would football the first time was included as an official sport in the Olympic Games.

  • soccer or football, which is correct?

To Americans, it's soccer. To most of the rest of the world, (including England, the birthplace of the modern sport,) it's football.

  • what was soccer originally called?

  • Linguistically creative students at the University of Oxford in the 1880s distinguished between the sports of “rugger” (rugby football) and “soccer” (association football). The latter term was further shortened to “soccer” (sometimes spelled “soccer”), and the name quickly spread beyond the campus

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