What companies did EA kill?

howministry-What companies did EA kill?

EA's reputation as an unethical company is well-known. EA has been accused of killing off several critically acclaimed games that failed to meet sales expectations. In this post, we'll look at some of the games that EA has killed.


Electronic Arts:


Electronic Arts is a video game company founded in 1982 by Trip Hawkins and David Crane. They made their name in the early '80s with the game "Pong." In 1984, they released the arcade game "Breakout," a huge success. By 1986, EA had sold over 100 million copies of the game. In the '90s, they were the kings of the video game industry. EA's success was built on the back of their talented and creative employees, who ensured that their games were fun, easy to learn, and challenging to master.


Electronic Arts have been the video game industry's mainstay for over 30 years. Their portfolio of games has been a constant presence in the market, with several titles widely regarded as classics. However, EA's reputation has taken a severe hit over the last few years. Many of their most popular franchises have been underperforming, and they've struggled to keep up with the competition. Here are some of the most notable titles that EA has killed off in recent years:


Companies killed by EA:


EA killed their own game, SimCity. It was a viral game that was a huge success. The game was a massive hit, and they had planned to continue making more SimCity. But, the company decided to stop developing the game because they felt they could make a better SimCity game.


EA was a video game company that was killed by Vivendi's acquisition of its parent company, Electronic Arts.


EA killed off many popular franchises like SimCity, The Sims, and Madden NFL.




Electronic Arts are one of the largest video game publishers in the world. They have several well-known games, including Madden NFL, FIFA, Need for Speed, and The Sims. They also have miniature games, including Battlefield Heroes, Fight Night Champion, and Medal of Honor. They have been around for a long time and have many loyal fans.


Electronic Arts were once the king of the video game industry. But in recent years, the company has been plagued with problems. In 2011, the company announced it would cut all its games' prices by 10 percent. In 2012, the company's stock price plunged 50 percent. And in 2013, the company filed for bankruptcy.



Draw Backs:


The biggest drawback to the game is that the company has killed off many of the characters from the original game. For example, the game's only playable character is the main character. There are no other characters to interact with or play as.


One of the most significant drawbacks of the Sims is that the game is not open-ended. It is very linear and has a lot of preset events and scenarios. For example, if you want to be a doctor, you must follow a set path. You can't go to school, get a job, and start a family. You have to do it all in order.




In conclusion, the game industry has been pretty quiet lately. There have been some interesting new releases, but only a few. The lack of innovation is depressing. It used to be that every time a new console was released, there would be a whole bunch of games that would come out for it. Nowadays, we only see a few games for each new console.

There are no companies that are safe from being acquired by EA. The company has acquired over 200 companies since it was founded in 1982, including big names like Electronic Arts, Bio Ware, Mythic Entertainment, and Lucas Arts. In total, the company has made over $8 billion in acquisitions.




What's the worst thing about working at EA? 

The worst thing about working at EA is that you will be asked to work on many games that could be more fun to play.


What was the best thing about working at EA? 

The best thing about working at EA is that I got to work with many incredible people.


What do you like most about working at EA? 

I like most about working at EA because I get to work on a lot of games that are fun to play.


What do you dislike about working at EA? 

I wouldn't say I like working at EA because I have to work on many games that are not fun to play.


What advice do you have for someone thinking about working at EA? 

If you're considering working at EA, don't hesitate to ask questions.


What is the worst thing about working at EA?

The worst thing about working at EA is that you will be asked to work on many games that could be more fun to play.


What was the best thing about working at EA? 

The best thing about working at EA is that I got to work with many incredible people.


What do you like most about working at EA? 

What I like most about working at EA because I get to work on a lot of games that are fun to play.


What do you dislike about working at EA?

 I wouldn't say I like working at EA because I have to work on many games that are not fun to play.

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