What is easier math or English?

howministryWhat is easier math or English?

What is Easier Math or English?

One of the best ways to learn is through practice, which is why I recommend learning both math and English. The skills of each are different, but there are overlaps between the two.

There’s a popular theory about what’s easier to learn: English or math. This idea originates from the famous book, “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield.

In it, he says that if you struggle with English, then you struggle with a lot of things in life. This includes writing, thinking, and making decisions.

While this may not apply to you if you struggle with math.

you may also struggle with things like: “how to communicate ideas clearly and succinctly, “what to write in emails, “how to write a good resume, and even “how to make friends and influence people.”

 Facts About Math Or English

  •  Math can be done with a calculator

  •  English is the universal language

  • Math is not that hard

  • The only thing harder than math is writing

  • The real problem with writing is that it is not fun

  • . Do not give up on writing just because you are not good at it. There is always improvement

  • A good test of whether you are a creative thinker or a rational thinker is whether you like English or math more.

  •  Creativity is not about coming up with something new, it’s about taking what you already know and finding ways to combine it into something unique.

  •  If you like doing math then you are probably more rational.

  •  Math does not require creativity.

  •  You can be very creative without being a creative thinker.

  •  Creative people do not necessarily think in rational ways.

  •  A person can be highly creative and irrational at the same time.

  •  Some people have a hard time being creative because they focus on details too

  •   A good test of whether you are a creative thinker or a rational thinker is whether you like English or math more.

  •  Creativity is not about coming up with something new, it’s about taking what you already know and finding ways to combine it into something unique.

  •  If you like doing math then you are probably more rational.

  • . Math does not require creativity.

  • . You can be very creative without being a creative thinker.

  •  Creative people do not necessarily think in rational ways.

  •  A person can be highly creative and irrational at the same time.

  •  Some people have a hard time being creative because they focus on details too

  • . Math Is A Language Too

  • Why Math Is Harder Than English

  • Math Is Elegant

  • Math Has A Rich History

  • Math Is Not A Science

  •  The Best Math Teachers Are Students

  • Math Is Simple

  •  Math Has A Deep Impact On Our Lives

  • . Math Is a Game

  • Math Is Fun!

Final Words

, The truth is, in some cases, it does take less time to do the math. If it were always easier to do math than to do language, we could all become mathematicians. However, we must recognize that mathematics is a formal language, whereas English is a natural language. 

There are many situations where English is easier to learn than a mathematical language. So, when you get to the end of this article and decide that math is harder than English, don’t feel bad. It’s just a fact of life. We all have to make sacrifices to get ahead in life.

 Math can be hard but not as hard as English. English has so many rules and exceptions. It is difficult to remember what words mean and when to use them. We may know how to read and write math equations, but we don't know how to speak English.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is mathematics easier than English?

Some might mistakenly think mathematics is easier than other subject areas for English learners as it is about numbers and computation. However, math is a language-rich, complex subject area that necessitates language analysis skills in addition to computational skills

Which is better English or math?

As important as English is, it is not spoken or used in every country of the world like math is. One can say that math is more universal than English.


 Math is taught in schools all over the world through different languages. Math is an indispensable part of our everyday lives.

Which is harder math or language?

Language is hard. In fact, it's infinitely harder and more complicated than math. And yet, nearly every small child can learn and master a language. Why is math so overwhelming for so many students?

Is math difficult or easy?

Mathematics is considered one of the toughest subjects by many students. However, many also consider it the most scoring subject. In fact, according to some students, one can easily score 100/100 (or full marks) in maths as compared to other subjects.

Why is math so hard for?

Because math involves using plenty of multi-step processes to solve problems, being able to master it takes a lot more practice than other subjects. 

What came first math or English?

Although no one knows math's exact origins, modern mathematicians like myself know that spoken language precedes written language by scores of millennia

Is maths hard to pass?

While many consider maths to be a difficult subject, with the right teaching and preparation it can be one of the easier subjects to do well in, as it's not based on the subjective opinion of an examiner like some other subjects are.

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