What is ICT mentorship?

How Ministry - What is ICT mentorship?

ICT (Information and Communication Technology) mentorship refers to a relationship in which an experienced individual is known as a mentor. It provides guidance, support, and advice to another individual, known as a mentee, in the field of ICT.

The goal of ICT Mentorship:

  • To help the mentee develop their skills
  • To help them gain knowledge
  • To get expertise in the field 
  • Advance their career.

In an ICT mentorship, the mentor typically has more experience and expertise in ICT than the mentee. Therefore, the mentor acts as a role model, providing guidance and support as the mentee navigates their career.

In return, mentors benefit from mentee's experience and knowledge, making informed career decisions.

There are many ways to structure an ICT mentorship. Mentees and mentors can agree on specific goals and objectives for their mentoring relationship.

Other mentorship relationships are more informal, with the mentor providing guidance and support on an as-needed basis. Regardless of the structure, an ICT mentorship can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to develop their skills and advance their careers in the field of ICT.

By working with an experienced mentor, mentees can gain valuable insights, guidance, and support as they build their knowledge and expertise in the field.

Participating in an ICT mentorship has many benefits. For mentees, a mentorship can provide access to valuable guidance, support, and resources that can help them grow and develop their skills in the field.

A mentor can offer guidance on various topics, such as choosing a career path, developing a professional network, and navigating the workplace challenges.

Furthermore, ICT mentors can provide valuable feedback and perspective on challenges and opportunities as well as practical guidance. Through regular meetings and conversations with their mentor, mentees can gain valuable insights and perspective on their career goals and plans.

Taking part in an ICT mentorship can also be rewarding for mentors. By helping mentees grow and develop, mentors can share their knowledge and experience.

In addition, mentoring can be a great way for mentors to stay current in their field and continue learning and growing themselves.


Overall, ICT mentorship can be a valuable resource for individuals looking to develop their skills and advance their careers in the field of ICT. By working with an experienced mentor, mentees can gain valuable insights, guidance, and support as they work to build their knowledge and expertise in the field.

Frequently Asked Question:

What are the benefits of being an ICT Mentor?

There are many benefits to being an ICT Mentor. ICT Mentors are trained to teach computer skills to students. You can make money doing this. You can also meet new people and make new friends.

What is the ICT Mentorship program?

The ICT Mentorship program is a program that teaches computer skills to high school students.

How does the ICT Mentorship program work?

The ICT Mentorship program is a partnership between the school district and the company. The company provides the computers, and the students provide the knowledge and skills to use them.

How much does it cost to become an ICT Mentor?

The cost of becoming an ICT Mentor depends on the number of hours you want to teach. It costs $25 per hour for a mentor to teach the students how to use a computer.

What is the minimum age to apply to be an ICT Mentor?

The minimum age to apply to be an ICT Mentor is 16 years old.

Where do the students learn computer skills?

Students learn computer skills at their high schools. They go to their school's computer lab to learn.

What kind of computer skills do they learn?

Students learn about the computer and how to use it.

Do I have to be an expert in computers?

No, not at all. It is not necessary for you to know how to code or how to program a computer.

How can I get involved with the ICT Mentorship program?

If you want to become an ICT Mentor, you can contact your school district to see if they are participating in the program.

How do I become an ICT Mentor?

You can become an ICT Mentor by contacting your school district.

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