What is the role of ICT in EDSA 2?

How Ministry - What is the role of ICT in EDSA 2?

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) played a significant role in the Philippines' EDSA Revolution 2, also known as the "Second People Power Revolution" or the "EDSA II". This political event took place in 2001, when President Joseph Estrada was ousted from office following widespread allegations of corruption. The role of ICT in EDSA II was multifaceted, encompassing everything from the dissemination of information and the organization of protests to the formation of online communities and the use of technology to document and report on the events as they unfolded.

Role of ICT in Disseminating Information

ICT (Information and Communications Technology) was important in the EDSA II revolution in the Philippines because it helped people share information about the political situation. People used different types of ICT, like traditional media like TV and radio, and newer technologies like social media, messaging apps, and online forums to stay updated and talk about the events. For example, people used Facebook and Twitter to share news and discuss the revolution, and used apps like Viber and WhatsApp to communicate with each other.

Role of ICT in Organizing Protests

ICT also helped with the organization of protests during EDSA II. Technology, such as social media and messaging apps, was used to tell people about the protests and help with the planning. For example, people used Facebook events to invite others to the protests, and apps like Viber and WhatsApp were used to arrange rides and share updates with participants.

Role of ICT in Documenting and Reporting on the Events

ICT also helped document and report on the events of EDSA II. People used their phones and other digital devices to take pictures and videos of the protests and share them online. This let people from other places see what was happening in the Philippines and stay updated. People also used ICT tools to report on the events in more traditional ways, like journalists using laptops to write articles and people using live-streaming platforms to show the events as they happened.

Role of ICT in Forming Online Communities

ICT also helped create online communities during EDSA II. As people used the internet and social media to learn about the events and connect with others, they started virtual communities based on shared interests and goals. These communities let people talk about the events, share information, and support each other. For example, Facebook groups and pages were made to discuss the political situation in the Philippines and plan actions. These groups allowed people to share news, talk about plans, and plan events and activities. Some groups were also used to coordinate offline things, like volunteering at protests or organizing donations

Impact of ICT on EDSA II

The use of ICT in EDSA II was very important and had a big impact. Being able to share information and plan actions quickly and easily through digital channels helped make the revolution successful. It let people stay updated and be part of the protests easily. Using ICT tools and platforms to document and report on the events also helped bring attention to the situation in the Philippines and get support for the protesters. This put pressure on the government and influenced the outcome of the revolution.


In conclusion, the role of ICT in EDSA II was multifaceted and crucial to the success of the revolution. From disseminating information and organizing protests to documenting and reporting on the events, ICT played a central role in the events that took place during this time. The ability to quickly and easily share information and coordinate action through digital channels helped to mobilize people and bring about significant change in the Philippines.

Frequently Asked Question

What does ICT stand for?

The Internet Commerce Technology (ICT) is a system that is used to track and monitor the movements of people in public places. It allows the government to identify and monitor the movements of people who may be involved in illegal activities.

How will ICT help in the EDSA 2?

The ICT will help the police in tracking down criminals, and it will also help the police to find out where the criminals are hiding.

Will I have to pay extra taxes?

No, you won't have to pay any additional taxes if you are using the ICT system.

Will my privacy be protected?

Yes, your privacy will be protected. The only information that will be released will be your personal data. This includes your name, address, and telephone number.

What will happen to the people who are not using the ICT system?

If you are not using the ICT system, you will still be tracked. However, if you are not doing anything illegal, you will not be arrested.

Is there a way to prevent the ICT system from being used against me?

Yes, there is a way to prevent the ICT system from being used against you. You can call the number at the bottom of the ICT sign to opt-out of the system.

Is it true that the ICT system will be used to monitor all of us?

No, it is not true. The ICT system will only be used in public places, such as malls, schools, and government offices.

Will the ICT system help in EDSA 2?

Yes, the ICT system will help in EDSA

What is the estimated cost of EDSA 2? 

It is estimated that the cost of EDSA 2 will be around P150 billion.

What are some of the ICT services that are not available?

Some of the ICT services that are not available are landline telephone services, satellite television, and fixed-line telephone services.

What is the role of the ICT Task Force?

The ICT Task Force is working with government agencies to make sure that the ICT infrastructure is ready for the EDSA 2 transition.


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