What is the role of ICT in EDSA Revolution?

How Ministry - What is the role of ICT in EDSA Revolution?

The EDSA Revolution is also called the People Power Revolution. This is because a series of popular demonstrations in the Philippines took place in 1986. These demonstrations were sparked by widespread outrage over allegations of election fraud and corruption in the government.

They ultimately led to President Ferdinand Marcos's ousting and President Corazon Aquino's installation. Information and communication technologies (ICT) played a significant role in the EDSA Revolution.

They provided the means for people to communicate and organize themselves and for the rest of the world to learn about the events unfolding in the Philippines.

One of the most significant ways that ICT played a role in the EDSA Revolution was through radio and television. Many Filipinos tuned in to radio and television broadcasts, which helped spread the word about the protests and inspired more people to join.

Additionally, the international media could report on the events in real-time thanks to the availability of satellite technology, which helped to bring the situation in the Philippines to the world's attention.

Another critical role that ICT played in the EDSA Revolution was through the use of social media. While social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter were not widely available in 1986.

People could still use forums and online discussion groups to share information and coordinate their efforts. It allowed people to stay connected and informed even if they could not physically attend the demonstrations, and it also helped to galvanize support for the cause.

In addition to radio, television, and social media, ICT played a role in the EDSA Revolution through mobile phones. Many people used their mobile phones to stay in touch with friends and family during the demonstrations.

It helped keep people connected and informed even if they were separated. Mobile phones also provided a way for people to stay safe during the demonstrations, as they could use them to call for help if they found themselves in danger.

Overall, the role of ICT in the EDSA Revolution was critical. It provided the means for people to communicate and organize themselves, allowing the rest of the world to learn about the events unfolding in the Philippines. Without the availability of ICT, the EDSA Revolution may not have been as successful as it was.


The most critical role of ICT is to enable the government to connect with the people and provide them with the information they need to understand the issues they face. It is the first step towards ensuring that the government is accountable to the people.

The second step is to empower the people to participate in their governance through technology. This post will focus on the first part of this strategy and discuss how to use technology to reach people and create awareness about the revolution.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did the government use technology to mobilize people? 

First, the government used technology to mobilize people by sending text messages to cell phones.

How can technology help in the EDSA Revolution?

Technology can help in the EDSA Revolution by providing accurate information, providing communications, and making sure that everyone is working together

Is there anything that technology can't do?

Yes, there is something that technology can't do. It can't make people act right.

What is the best thing about technology?

The best thing about technology is that it is constantly improving.

What's the worst thing about technology?

The worst thing about technology and the Internet is that we can use them for bad things.

Why is technology important in the EDSA Revolution?

Technology is essential in the EDSA Revolution because it helps people communicate and know what is happening around them.

What is the role of ICT in the EDSA Revolution?

It's hard to say. The ICT sector is just one part of the revolution. It's up to us as a people to participate in the revolution.

Why is it essential to use the Internet in the EDSA Revolution?

The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. We can use it for communication, information, and entertainment.

What is the role of the Internet in the EDSA Revolution?

First, the Internet is being used to help the people participating in the revolution.

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