What is a Safe ROI?

Howministry-What is a Safe ROI?

Essentially, ROI is the return on investment. The return on investment is the rate of increase in your net worth due to the money invested in a business venture. 

This is the central concept of the ROI.

Let's take a real example when you buy a house, you have to invest a considerable amount of money.

But, if you sell your home in 2 years, you will earn considerable money. In this case, the ROI is 100%.

There are different types of ROI, but here I will share a simple and common type of ROI: the safe ROI.

Safe ROI

It is crucial to determine the return on investment using safe ROI, but it is essential to understand the concepts of safe and unsafe.

What is the safe ROI?

The safe ROI is the percentage of profit earned over some time. This will not affect the company's value because it will remain the same.

For example, if you sell your house in 2 years and earn a profit of 1 lakh, then your safe ROI is 50%.

If you have invested Rs. 1.5 lakhs, and if you sell your house for Rs. 1.75 lakhs, your safe ROI is 33.33%.

Why is the ROI safe?

If the ROI is not safe, then the stock market is unreliable. In this case, there is no chance of earning more money, and the company will go bankrupt.


So, these are the concepts of the safe and unsafe ROI. If you are a new investor, the safest option is to have a safe ROI.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is a 10% ROI reasonable?

ROI is the rate of return on investment, the profit from a venture divided by the amount of money invested. 

The more a venture produces, the greater the ROI, but it's only valuable if it makes a profit. A venture that doesn'tdoesn't makes a profit isn'tisn't worth anything. 

Is an ROI of 50% sound?

ROI is an abbreviation for return on investment. It'sIt's a commonly used term in business, finance, and investing. 

However, it can also refer to a specific sales ratio to gross profit, based on which a business can determine its profitability. 

Is 200% a good ROI?

It can be, but the key is to make sure you're making money, not just spending it. 

As long as you're making money, it's worth whatever ROI you get, but if you're spending it, you've got more significant problems. 

Is 80% ROI good?

It depends on the project. When you're selling an asset like a house, it's pretty good. But when you're selling a service like SEO, it could be better. 

You'llYou'll need to make sure that your customer has a reason to spend money with you and a clear understanding of how much that will cost them. 

Is 15% a good ROI?

It'sIt's not the best. To make sure you're making a sound investment decision, it's always wise to look into the average return on a similar investment. 

For example, a 15% ROI would be comparable to what an investor could expect from a stock or bond portfolio, whereas a 20% ROI would be similar to the interest rate on a savings account.

Is 100% a good ROI?

No. It'sIt's not a good ROI if you're talking about how much money you make per hour. You'reYou're looking for a good ROI regarding your time and effort. 

It means that your work's return on investment (ROI) is high enough so that the amount of time you put into it is worth the money you're making. 

Is seven years ROI good?

It depends on the type of loan. For instance, if you use a 7-year fixed-rate mortgage, you will pay 7 years of interest before paying off the principal. 

But if you use a 30-year fixed-rate mortgage, you'll pay off the principal in 30 years. So the longer you pay back the loan, the lower the interest rate. 

What does a 300% ROI mean?

A 300% return on investment means that if you invest $1,000 into an investment opportunity that returns $3,000 in profit, you will see a profit of $2,000, or 300%. This is a very high ROI. 

Is a 20% return good?

A 20% return on investment is good, as it will allow you to make $1 out of every $2 you invest. 

For example, if you were to invest $10,000 into an investment expected to give you $20,000 back, that would be a 20% return. 

What does 50% ROI mean?

Return on investment is the ratio between the total amount invested and the total profit generated.

For example, if you're investing $100,000, your return is 50%. If you lose $50,000, then your return is -50%. So a return of 100% means you've made a profit of $100,000.

Where to invest safely in 2022?

We suggest that investors use an online platform such as Fidelity Investments'Investments' $2 billion U.S. Global Bond Fund (AGY), which is up 3.5% in the last year and yields 1.8%.

On the other hand, the iShares MSCI Emerging Markets Bond Index Fund (EEM) has been down 2.1% in the last 12 months and yields 1.4%.

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