What old learning habits are considered as a responsible use of ICT?


How Ministry - What old learning habits are considered as a responsible use of ICT?

Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been changed the way we learn and access information. In the past, learning was often limited to  lectures, textbooks, and access to knowledge.

It was restricted to those who had access to physical libraries or educational institutions. With the use of the internet and online learning platforms, the barriers to gain knowledge decreased. It made easier for people to access and acquire knowledge.

However, with the increasing reliance on ICT for learning, it is important to consider responsible use of these technologies.

Old learning habits that were considered responsible in the pre-ICT era can still be considered responsible in the digital age.

These learning habits include:

Planning and organization: 

Proper planning and organization are key to successful learning, whether it is in a traditional classroom setting or online. This means setting aside dedicated study time, creating a study schedule, and staying on track with assignments and deadlines.

Time management: 

Managing your time effectively is crucial for successful learning. This includes not only setting aside dedicated study time, but also being aware of how much time you spend on other activities, such as social media or entertainment, and making sure that these do not distract from your learning goals.

Attention to detail: 

Paying attention to detail is important for understanding and retaining information. This means actively listening during lectures or webinars, taking thorough notes, and reviewing and re-reading material as needed.

Critical thinking: 

The ability to think critically and analyze information is essential for effective learning. This means questioning assumptions, evaluating sources, and considering different viewpoints.


Self-motivation is important for maintaining focus and staying on track with learning goals. This means setting goals and working towards them, even when the going gets tough.


Self-discipline is crucial for staying on track with learning goals and avoiding distractions. This means setting boundaries around your use of ICT, such as limiting social media usage or avoiding multitasking while learning.


ICT has greatly expanded the opportunities for learning, it is important to consider responsible use of these technologies.

Old learning habits such as planning and organization, time management, attention to detail, critical thinking, self-motivation, and self-discipline are all key to effective and responsible use of ICT for learning.

By adopting and maintaining these habits, we can ensure that we are making the most of the learning opportunities afforded by ICT.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is a responsible use of ICT?

Responsible use of ICT means that you use the technology in an ethical way and do not misuse it.

How do we know what is an ethical use of ICT?

There are certain standards that are used to measure the ethical use of ICT.

For example, if you are using a computer at work, you need to ensure that you are not wasting time on social media or other sites when you could be working on your job.

What are some of the responsibilities of using ICT?

The responsibility of using ICT is to make sure that you are safe and that you are using the technology in an ethical way. You also have to make sure that you are not wasting time on social media or other sites when you could be working on your job.

How can we ensure that we are not using ICT in an unethical way?

We can ensure that we are not using ICT in an unethical way by keeping up with what is going on in our community and making sure that we are doing the right thing.

What are some of the things that we need to keep in mind when using ICT?

When using ICT, we need to keep in mind that it is important to be responsible. We also need to make sure that we are not wasting time on social media or other sites when we could be working on our job.

What are some of the things that we can do to help us use ICT responsibly?

We can help ourselves use ICT responsibly by keeping up with what is going on in our community and making sure that we are doing the right thing.

What are the common learning habits that are considered a responsible use of ICT?

The most common learning habits that are considered a responsible use of ICT are using technology to enhance learning, to improve learning, and to support learning.

What is the difference between a responsible and irresponsible use of ICT?

A responsible use of ICT is using ICT to enhance learning, to improve learning, and to support learning. An irresponsible use of ICT is using ICT for other purposes such as to distract students, to be entertaining, or to keep students up to date with the latest technology.

What's the most important thing for a student to learn in ICT?

The most important thing for a student to learn in ICT is to be responsible.

What is the most important thing for a teacher to learn in ICT?

The most important thing for a teacher to learn in ICT is to be responsible.

What are some examples of responsible ICT use?

Responsible ICT use is using technology in a responsible manner. It is important to use ICT responsibly, because it is used to help us do things that we might not be able to do without it.

What are some examples of irresponsible ICT use?

Irresponsible ICT use is using technology in an irresponsible manner. It is important to use ICT responsibly, because it is used to help us do things that we might not be able to do without it.

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