Which method for building on background knowledge is specifically designed for English learners?
A method for building on background knowledge is specifically designed for English learners. You don't have to know much about your topic to get started. All you need is a method that is designed to build on your background knowledge.
In this article, we'll talk about two different methods that are specifically designed for English learners.
Background knowledge can be hard to come by, particularly for non-native English speakers. For these learners, building knowledge on the side may be the only way to develop confidence in the language and keep on track to reach the fluency goal.
When it comes to the best method for building on background knowledge, the answer is the combination of the two. You can use both approaches together to help you improve your language proficiency, build your knowledge of English, and improve your reading comprehension, listening, speaking, writing, and thinking skills.
5 Interesting Points AboutBuild on Your Background Knowledge is Specifically Designed For English Learners?
Most people who start blogging don't realize that there are many ways to get the content they're looking for. One of the most common mistakes people make is that they think they have to come up with the next great thing.
This is completely wrong. You don't need to have a Ph.D. or a degree in English Literature to get started writing. What you do need is to understand what your audience wants to read about.
Once you understand what you're talking about, you can then build on that understanding by finding ways to explain your topic in a way that your audience finds interesting.
2. Focus on the Core Skills
A very similar strategy to using urgency is to focus on the core skills of your audience. If you’re writing a blog post about web development, it makes more sense to start by explaining what web development is than to talk about the fact that web development is awesome.
3. Understand the Language
Language is the tool we use to communicate the way we want our ideas to be understood. To help you understand the language you’re using in your blog posts, you can analyze and break down your writing into its basic components. Here are some of the most common components of blog posts and how they work.
4. Develop Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to think critically about what you’re being told by others, whether in your industry or in marketing campaigns.
For example, when you’re confronted by a negative comment or criticism, is it based on fact? When you’re told something by your boss or a marketing rep, are you sure about what they’re saying?
When you’re getting ready to start a new business, you have to have some critical thinking skills to help you make decisions. Critical thinking skills will help you figure out what your business goals are, what your value proposition is, and whether you are going to be successful.
If you aren’t, you won’t be able to make decisions about your business, including whether to open up shop in a particular location or not, and whether to accept a certain amount of risk.
5. Find the Best Resources
The best resources for a given subject are the ones that are most relevant to you and your needs. The challenge is finding them, and this is where it gets tricky because there are literally millions of online sources to choose from.
The easiest way to narrow down this vast universe is to first understand what you’re looking for. Do you want to know the best places to find inspiration? Then seek out inspiration. Do you want to know how to start a business?
Then read a book about starting a business. Do you need to get a college degree? Then go to school.
Final Thoughts
There are three methods that are specifically designed to build on background knowledge in order to increase vocabulary retention and reading comprehension: phonics, sentence frames, and summarizing.
I provide an overview of each of these methods, as well as why they work so well for ELLs. These methods are all taught in great detail in my online courses. I highly recommend them!
Frequently Asked Questions;
Why is background knowledge important for English learners?
Having the right background knowledge is critical to ensuring that students understand a lesson. This knowledge provides a foundation on which the rest of the lesson can be built.
For ELLs, it can make a significant difference in their comprehension of the lesson and any related materials or texts.
What is background knowledge learning?
Background knowledge is a reader's understanding of the specific concepts, situations, and problems associated with the words encountered in the text.
Knowledge of the topic provides readers with enough understanding to make meaning and build on what they currently know.
What can teachers do to build students' background knowledge?
The most important way teachers can build background knowledge is to explicitly teach key academic vocabulary.
Give students multiple opportunities to use and practice the vocabulary so that the words are internalized and permanently connected to the topic of study.
What is an example of background knowledge?
What is an example of background knowledge? Background knowledge is information that a student does not have but gains through teaching.
For example, a student with prior knowledge in math may lack the language ability to express that knowledge if they move to a new school and are learning a new language
What are the standard English learners?
Standard English Learners (SELs) are those (EO, IFEP) students for whom Standard English is not native and whose home language differs in structure and form from Standard and academic English.