Why is it so hard for me to speak English?

howministryWhy is it so hard for me to speak English?

Why is it so hard for me to speak English

The most common problems in English writing are usually due to improper grammar, spelling, and punctuation, rather than vocabulary. The best solution for this is learning English grammar in a structured fashion 

The world's most spoken language is English. Yet many English learners need to start from scratch to master a second language. Here's how to improve your English grammar in just 30 days!

5 Rules That Make it Easy To Speak English


 1. Start learning English.

There are many different ways to learn English. You can watch videos on YouTube, read books, take an online class, join a Facebook group, etc. But there’s no better way to learn than actually immersing yourself in the language. 

It’s easy to get discouraged or frustrated when you’re trying to learn English. But, if you keep trying, and keep learning, you’ll start to see improvements, and, before long, you’ll be fluent. You can get started learning English by using Duolingo, the free online language learning platform from Google.


Start learning English. Learn to read, write and speak English. This is the single most powerful thing I can recommend to people who are looking to get a job in tech

. The first thing you'll notice is that, when you're communicating with people who are not native speakers, you'll often hear words used incorrectly. 

And if you don't know how to say something correctly, you can end up sounding very silly. The second thing you'll notice is that the people who are comfortable speaking English and are already familiar with the language are the ones who will have the advantage.


howministryWhy is it so hard for me to speak English?

2. Learn from your mistakes.

People often make the mistake of blaming others for their bad decisions. There’s no better way to fail than to blame someone else for failing. You failed only if you were willing to do what was needed to succeed. 

The worst thing you can do after making a bad decision is to tell yourself that it’s not your fault. Instead, take responsibility. Own up to your own mistakes, learn from them, and move on.


There’s a huge difference between mistakes made by individuals who have taken the time to learn from them and those who never learn from them. The latter group will keep making the same mistakes over and over again until they stop making them.

 This is the reason why most people don't get rich. They never learn from the mistakes they make. That’s why you need to take the time to reflect on and learn from your mistakes.

3. Listen to others.

We all know we should listen to others, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. You should also listen to yourself. If you’re trying to understand your motivations and reasons for wanting to pursue a certain project, it’s helpful to hear what your inner voice is saying. 

Is there something that’s driving you? Why is this project important to you? What are you afraid might happen if you don’t do it? Once you start listening to yourself, you may find it’s time to reassess your priorities.

4 Talk to yourself in English.

When you talk to yourself in English, you're communicating with your brain, and the same way that you'd talk to someone else, the only difference is that you're also talking to yourself.

It's important to be conscious about what you're thinking because, even though you might not realize it, your mind is running the show. In many cases, people who think in English are more successful in their lives than those who think in Spanish or French. 

According to a study by psychologist Robert Sternberg, the reason is that people who speak English are more likely to express themselves positively and directly and communicate effectively. And in today's fast-paced world, that means being able to think clearly and confidently, which is something that everyone needs to master.

5 Practice, practice, practice.

The second psychology principle on the list is called practice. The gist of this principle is that people learn better through repeated exposure. It’s the reason you can teach someone how to ride a bike. You practice until you get good at it. By repeating the action of learning something over and over again, you’ll become better at it.

 Final Thoughts

, I have found a lot of reasons why English is hard to speak. But I believe that the biggest reason is that people don’t know how to use their voices correctly. If you know how to use your voice, you can say exactly what you want to say, and other people will understand what you say.

it is very hard for some students to master spoken English. Although there are many reasons why English is difficult for non-native speakers, the main reason is the fact that English is a tonal language. The tone is a matter of pitch, tone, and volume.

To speak in English, you need to combine different tones to form the right words. 

If you lack sufficient practice, you will have difficulty creating the right sounds. This can result in speaking too fast or too slow, or even speaking in a monotone. You can overcome this problem through practice and study.

Practice using the following tips: 1) Record yourself while speaking; 2) Listen to your recordings; 3) Ask someone to provide feedback on your pronunciation.

Frequently Asked Questions

 Why English speaking is so hard?

The language features grammatical rules that are often broken, an alphabet that can confuse people who are used to a character-based system, and spelling and pronunciation irregularities that perplex even native speakers.

How do you overcome difficulty in speaking English?

10 steps to overcome language-learning barriers

  1. Organize your learning materials. ...

  2. Get out of your comfort zone. ...

  3. Learn from your mistakes. ...

  4. Watch daily videos on YouTube. ...

  5. Read your favorite books in English. ...

  6. Follow social media accounts that help you learn English. ...

  7. Learn a few poems and recite them. ...

  8. Try thinking in English.

Is English the hardest language ever?

English is one of the most difficult languages to learn, especially compared to many of the Romance languages like Spanish and French

What is the fear of speaking English called?

Glossophobia or speech anxiety is the fear of public speaking

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