What does ICT teacher mean?

How Ministry - What does ICT teacher mean?

ICT is an integral part of modern society. The role of an ICT teacher is essential in helping students develop the skills and knowledge. They need to use these technologies effectively and responsibly.

In this article, we will explore what it means to be an ICT teacher and the responsibilities and tasks that come with this profession.

What Does an ICT Teacher Do?

An ICT teacher is someone who knows a lot about computers and teaches students about them. This includes topics such as computer parts, how to use different computer programs, and how to use the internet.

The job of an ICT teacher is to make lesson plans and teach students about different parts of using computers and technology. They also check on how well the students are learning and give them feedback. An ICT teacher may also be in charge of creating projects and programs that help students learn more about technology, and they may help students with any problems they have with technology.

To make sure they know about the latest technology and can teach it to their students, ICT teachers need to constantly learn about new technology. This may involve going to conferences, workshops, and training sessions, or doing research on their own. This helps ICT teachers stay current with industry trends and make sure they are using the best methods in their teaching.

Where Do ICT Teachers Work?

ICT teachers may work in different places where people learn, such as elementary and high schools, colleges and universities, and places where people learn new skills for their jobs. They may also work in companies or other places where people learn new skills for their jobs.

In elementary and high schools, ICT teachers may teach students of all ages and abilities about using computers and technology. This may include teaching younger students basic computer skills and helping older students learn more advanced skills such as programming and creating websites.

In college and university, ICT teachers may focus on a specific area of technology, like computer science or information systems. They may also do research and development work.

In companies and other places where people learn new skills for their jobs, ICT teachers may teach and help employees who need to use technology in their work. This may include creating training programs and helping with problems employees have with technology. ICT teachers in these settings may also need to learn regarding new technology and industry trends.

Skills and Qualifications

To be an effective ICT teacher, there are certain skills and qualifications that are necessary. These may include:

  • A strong understanding of computers and information and communication technology
  • The ability to communicate technical concepts in a clear and concise manner
  • Excellent problem-solving skills
  • Strong organization and time management skills
  • The ability to properly work well in a team and collaborate with others

In terms of qualifications, most ICT teachers hold a bachelor's degree in any field related to computer science or information systems. Some may also have a master's degree or higher, and many have additional certifications or qualifications in specific areas of technology.


The job of an ICT teacher is very important in teaching students how to use technology correctly and safely. ICT teachers must be knowledgeable about computers and how to use them, be able to explain technical concepts clearly, be good at solving problems, and be committed to learning about new technology. These skills allow ICT teachers to give students the education they need to be successful in a world which is becoming digital.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does ICT mean?

ICT stands for Information and Communications Technology. It is a branch of technology that uses computers, software, and other electronic equipment to create, store, process, and transmit information.

What are some of the things that ICT teachers teach?

ICT teachers teach students how to use computers, how to use software, and how to use the Internet. They also teach students how to write, read, and speak English.

How does ICT help students in school?

ICT helps students in school because it can be used to access online resources, such as websites, that are not available in the classroom.

How do ICT teachers help students?

ICT teachers help students by teaching them how to use computers, software, and the Internet.

How can I become an ICT teacher?

You can become an ICT teacher if you have a bachelor's degree in education or a related field, and you are certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards.

What does a teacher do?

A teacher teaches students.

What do ICT teachers teach?

ICT teachers teach students how to use computers, how to use software, and how to use the Internet. They also teach students how to write, read, and speak English.

Is there a difference between a computer science teacher and an ICT teacher?

A computer science teacher is someone who teaches the theory behind how computers work. An ICT teacher is someone who teaches the skills needed to use computers.

How do computer science and information and communication technology differ from one another?

It is the study of how computers work that is known as computer science. Using computers is the study of information and communication technology (ICT).

What is the difference between a major in computer science and a major in 

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)?

A computer science major is a degree that focuses on computer science. An ICT major is a degree that focuses on ICT.

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