When is Special Education Appropriate for English Learners?

When is Special Education Appropriate for English Learners?

Is it right to say that special education is unnecessary for ELL students? Many people need clarification about the difference between ELL and special education.

These two terms are used interchangeably.

But if we look at the definition of both terms, we can easily understand the difference.

ELL is an acronym for English Language Learners. These people are born in a foreign country and are learning English as their second language.

The people born in the US who can speak English as a first language are called native English speakers.

So, if we are talking about native English speakers, then the ELLs are the ones who are learning English as their second language.

So, we can say that if a person is not a native speaker, then he/she is ELL.

The primary purpose of the ELLs is to learn English.

Special education is a term used to describe the services provided for children with a disability.

If you ask me whether ELLs should receive special education, then I will say that they don't.


Because there are so many ELLs who are learning English, and they are doing very well.

They are doing better than native English speakers.

But, I am not saying that the ELLs can't receive special education because they may be learning English and may have specific learning disabilities.

However, the ELLs are not able to get special education because they were not born in the US.

When is Special Education Appropriate for ELL Students?

Let's start with what special education means.

Special education refers to a set of educational programs that are provided to children who have learning and developmental disabilities.

They need special services and interventions to help them reach their full potential.

The services are offered by a teacher who is trained to provide them.

If your child has a learning disability, he/she will need special education services.

The type of disability may be determined by the school district in which your child attends.

You will receive information about the services and interventions available from the school district.

Special education services aim to develop a strong foundation for your child to learn and succeed in school.

Special education services for English language learners

There are two types of special education services for ELL students.

These are Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) and English Language Learners (ELL) specific services.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

An IEP is a written plan describing your child's academic and extra-academic needs.

The school district, the parent, and the school psychologist or special educator develop an IEP.

The goals of the IEP are to ensure that your child is making progress in the areas that are most important to him/her.

The IEP includes a description of the services that will be provided.

The services are described in terms of what the school will do to help your child meet the goals in the IEP.

You may be asked to participate in the IEP meetings.

The IEP team will consider your input and suggestions for your child.

The IEP team will also consider the results of tests administered to your child.

In addition to the goals of the IEP, the IEP team will also determine what accommodations will be provided to your child.

Accommodations are special modifications that are made to the school environment.

For example, they may include modifications in teaching methods, modifications of the curriculum, and modifications in the instructional materials.


ELLs have learning needs that differ from their peers.

This may include language difficulties, math and reading issues, and emotional or behavioral disorders.

Exceptional education professionals will consider these factors when evaluating ELL students' needs.


Which method or approach is the best when teaching Ells?

The Ells approach is to teach students in a fun and enjoyable way that makes them want to learn.

Therefore, when learning a new subject, it is essential to consider the student's interests and quirks.

For example, some students enjoy having a reward (like money) when they complete a task, while others do not.

What is the best assessment for ELL students?

The best way to assess ELL students is to work with them one-on-one.

Knowing their strengths and weaknesses and when it is safe to work together is essential.

What is the most challenging part of teaching an ell?

One of the most challenging parts of teaching an ell is finding a balance between making sure the students are engaged and that they have fun.

In addition to having fun, the students should feel challenged. So it's essential to ensure the class is straightforward.

In general, this is the best approach: have fun and challenge them to grow.

What is an IEP for ELL students?

An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written plan for special education services tailored to each student's needs.

It describes the student's strengths and weaknesses, goals, and the services needed to help them meet those goals.

Are ELL students disabled?

No. All students are required to attend school every day. However, suppose your child cannot attend school.

In that case, you can make an appointment with the school counselor or principal to discuss options.

What language do most ELL students speak?

English. Students may also have some Spanish, French, German, or another language depending on where they go to school.

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